Details to be noted in the use of biomass boilers


There are many details in biomass boiler work, biomass boiler manufacturers tell you need to pay attention.

There are many details in the process of biomass boiler work, you can not ignore, you need to keep an eye on its working state. Once you find an exception, you need to figure out what happened so you can avoid some unexpected situations. Appear. Next, let’s look at the use of biomass boilers.

Biomass boiler before starting the water speed should not be too fast, generally not less than 4h in winter, other seasons for 2~3h, especially in the early days of water. The feed water temperature of biomass boilers is usually 50-90°C, so the difference between the feed water temperature entering the drum and the wall temperature of the drum does not exceed 40°C. After cooling the incomplete biomass boiler, the inlet water temperature can be equal to the drum wall temperature, otherwise should slow down the inlet water rate.

When the water enters the drum, it always touches the lower part of the drum first. If the difference between the feed water temperature and the wall temperature of the drum is too large, the inlet water rate is fast, and the upper wall and the lower wall, the inner wall and the outer wall of the drum will have a large expansion. Bad, cause great additional stress on the drum, cause drum deformation, serious cracking.

Because the drum wall is thick, expansion is slow, and the tube wall connected to the drum wall is thinner and expands faster. If the inlet temperature of the biomass-fired boiler is too high or the rate of water inflow is too fast, it will lead to uneven expansion, resulting in weld cracks and damage to the biomass boiler.

Therefore, in the process of biomass boiler operation, we can not ignore the problem of water too fast, otherwise the impact will be very serious.

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