What is the high failure rate of biomass boiler fuel delivery system?


There is no feeder between the hopper and the belt, which will cause unstable feeding, and the feeding quantity can not be controlled. In the process of operation, a large amount of material is pressed on the belt, affecting the normal operation of the belt.

Because the toughness of biomass fuel is large, the proportion is small, the material level is not too high, otherwise it will be blocked, so the normal operation of the conveying system for 24 hours, the moving parts are easy to wear, the failure rate is high; In addition, the length of mowing is difficult to ensure that its length is between 8 ~ 15cm, and it is easy to get stuck in the feeding machine in front of the furnace, and it is difficult to clean, which has a great impact on the load of the boiler.


1. In order to reduce wear and prolong the service life of the equipment, the general motor adopts frequency conversion motor to reduce the running speed and control the refueling speed, so that the stacking height of the material is always within a reasonable range. The feeder can feed on average and minimize blockage.

2. According to the feeding quantity and fuel type, select the corresponding size of the feeder to solve the blockage problem.

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